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  • Sean Allman

Product shoot with Anvil Fireside a success

I can't stress how amazing my Bi-Colour LED light kit is. The super high CRI index rating means my colours are bright and true to life... (maybe a little better than real life...) Product photography is a form of adaptive geometry, in my opinion of course. What I mean is to photograph objects beautifully, one must take into consideration the geometry of the object or product but also the geometry of the space the object is sitting in, and manage these to bring balance to the composition. Rake some weak but hard light across your products in a diffused bath, to bring out your textures and voila, catalogue-ready product shots. Of course I did some touch-ups in Photoshop like removing lens distortion and vignetting, and painting out some imperfects in my backdrop. Moving the heavy metal tables and chairs did a number on the pure white background over the course of the day.... All in all around 80+ high res pics of the extensive and diverse line of wrought iron products.

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